• Co-author of 2 publications with the Minor Lab [show]
    • 52 citations in Web of Science
    • 73 citations in Google Scholar
  • Co-author of 12 structures with the Minor Lab [show]
  • Relative Citation Ratio (RCR): 1.78

  • Training Period: 2008-15
  • Prior Institution: Washington University in St. Louis
  • Prior Degree: PhD (1985)
  • Project Title: Docking Studies
  • Current Position: Visiting Assistant Professor - CADD, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA,

Publications with the Minor Lab

  1. Osinski T, Majorek KA, Font J, Minor W, Thalassinos K, Giangrieco I, Ciardiello MA, Breiteneder H, Chruszcz M (2013)
    Structural and bioinformatic analysis of the kiwifruit allergen Act d 11, a member of the family of ripening-related proteins.
    Mol. Immunol. 56(4): 794-803. [DOI:10.1016/j.molimm.2013.07.004] [Pub Med ID: 23969108] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC3783527]
    WoS Times Cited: 40 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 55
  2. Klimecka MM, Chruszcz M, Font J, Shumilin I, Onopryienko O, Porebski PJ, Cymborowski M, Zimmerman MD, Glomski IJ, Minor W, Savchenko A, Hasseman J, Edwards A, Lebioda L, Skarina T (2011)
    Structural analysis of a putative aminoglycoside N-acetyltransferase from Bacillus anthracis.
    J. Mol. Biol. 410(3): 411-23. [DOI:10.1016/j.jmb.2011.04.076] [Pub Med ID: 21601576] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC3131501]
    WoS Times Cited: 12 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 18

Structures with the Minor Lab