• Co-author of 10 publications with the Minor Lab [show]
    • 556 citations in Web of Science
    • 856 citations in Google Scholar
  • Co-author of 35 structures with the Minor Lab [show]
  • Relative Citation Ratio (RCR): 17.28

  • Training Period: 2009-13, PhD <br/> 2017-present, Postdoc
  • Prior Institution: Jagiellonian University, Poland
  • Prior Degree: MSc, PhD (2009)
  • Project Title: The influence of posttranslational modifications on interaction between histone H3 and Survivin.
  • Current Position: Research Associate, University of Virginia

Publications with the Minor Lab

  1. Niedzialkowska E, Liu L, Kuscu C, Mayo Z, Minor W, Strahl BD, Adli M, Stukenberg PT (2022)
    Tip60 acetylation of histone H3K4 temporally controls chromosome passenger complex localization.
    Mol Biol Cell 33(9): br15. [DOI:10.1091/mbc.E21-06-0283] [Pub Med ID: 35653296] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC9582641]
    Google Scholar Times Cited: 6
  2. Mrugała B, Miłaczewska A, Porebski PJ, Niedzialkowska E, Guzik M, Minor W, Borowski T (2021)
    A study on the structure, mechanism, and biochemistry of kanamycin B dioxygenase (KanJ)-an enzyme with a broad range of substrates.
    FEBS J 288(4): 1366-1386. [DOI:10.1111/febs.15462] [Pub Med ID: 32592631] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC8034593]
    WoS Times Cited: 8 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 11
  3. Cooper DR, Grabowski M, Zimmerman MD, Porebski PJ, Shabalin IG, Woinska M, Domagalski MJ, Zheng H, Sroka P, Cymborowski M, Czub MP, Niedzialkowska E, Venkataramany BS, Osinski T, Fratczak Z, Bajor J, Gonera J, MacLean E, Wojciechowska K, Konina K, Wajerowicz W, Chruszcz M, Minor W (2020)
    State-of-the-Art Data Management: Improving the Reproducibility, Consistency, and Traceability of Structural Biology and in Vitro Biochemical Experiments.
    Methods Mol Biol 2199(): 209-236. [DOI:10.1007/978-1-0716-0892-0_13] [Pub Med ID: 33125653] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC8019398]
    WoS Times Cited: 4 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 8
  4. Kluza A, Wojdyla Z, Mrugala B, Kurpiewska K, Porebski PJ, Niedzialkowska E, Minor W, Weiss MS, Borowski T (2020)
    Regioselectivity of hyoscyamine 6β-hydroxylase-catalysed hydroxylation as revealed by high-resolution structural information and QM/MM calculations.
    Dalton Trans 49(14): 4454-4469. [DOI:10.1039/d0dt00302f] [Pub Med ID: 32182320]
    WoS Times Cited: 19 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 21
  5. Handing KB, Niedzialkowska E, Shabalin IG, Kuhn ML, Zheng H, Minor W (2018)
    Characterizing metal-binding sites in proteins with X-ray crystallography.
    Nat Protoc 13(5): 1062-1090. [DOI:10.1038/nprot.2018.018] [Pub Med ID: 29674755] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC6235626]
    WoS Times Cited: 86 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 122
    F1000 Recommended Publication
  6. Niedzialkowska E, Mrugała B, Rugor A, Czub MP, Skotnicka A, Cotelesage JJH, George GN, Szaleniec M, Minor W, Lewiński K (2017)
    Optimization of overexpression of a chaperone protein of steroid C25 dehydrogenase for biochemical and biophysical characterization.
    Protein Expr. Purif. 134(): 47-62. [DOI:10.1016/j.pep.2017.03.019] [Pub Med ID: 28343996] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC5535313]
    WoS Times Cited: 5 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 5
  7. Grabowski M, Zimmerman MD, Minor W, Niedzialkowska E (2016)
    The impact of structural genomics: the first quindecennial.
    J. Struct. Funct. Genomics 17(1): 1-16. [DOI:10.1007/s10969-016-9201-5] [Pub Med ID: 26935210] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC4834271]
    Google Scholar Times Cited: 79
    F1000 Recommended Publication
  8. Gasiorowska O, Handing KB, Majorek KA, Porebski PJ, Shabalin IG, Zasadzinska E, Cymborowski M, Minor W, Niedzialkowska E (2016)
    Protein purification and crystallization artifacts: The tale usually not told.
    Protein Sci 25(3): 720-33. [DOI:10.1002/pro.2861] [Pub Med ID: 26660914] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC4815408]
    WoS Times Cited: 40 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 70
  9. Niedzialkowska E, Porebski PJ, Minor W, Stukenberg PT, Wang F, Higgins JM (2012)
    Molecular basis for phosphospecific recognition of histone H3 tails by Survivin paralogues at inner centromeres.
    Mol Biol Cell 23(8): 1457-66. [DOI:10.1091/mbc.E11-11-0904] [Pub Med ID: 22357620] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC3327328]
    WoS Times Cited: 51 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 78
  10. Niedzialkowska E, Banerjee B, Stukenberg PT, Daum JR, Dai J, Gorbsky GJ, Wang F, Higgins JM (2010)
    Histone H3 Thr-3 phosphorylation by Haspin positions Aurora B at centromeres in mitosis.
    Science 330(6001): 231-5. [DOI:10.1126/science.1189435] [Pub Med ID: 20705812] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC2967368]
    WoS Times Cited: 343 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 456