• Co-author of 29 publications with the Minor Lab [show]
    • 951 citations in Web of Science
    • 1,169 citations in Google Scholar
  • Co-author of 59 structures with the Minor Lab [show]
  • Relative Citation Ratio (RCR): 52.29

  • Training Period: 2010-present
  • Prior Institution: Purdue University
  • Prior Degree: PhD (2000)
  • Project Title: Structure Determination and Database Development
  • Current Position: Assistant Professor of Research, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA

Publications with the Minor Lab

  1. Wu D, Gucwa M, Czub MP, Cooper DR, Shabalin IG, Fritzen R, Arya S, Schwarz-Linek U, Blindauer CA, Minor W, Stewart AJ (2023)
    Structural and biochemical characterisation of Co2+-binding sites on serum albumins and their interplay with fatty acids.
    Chem Sci 14(23): 6244-6258. [DOI:10.1039/d3sc01723k] [Pub Med ID: 37325156] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC10266443]
    WoS Times Cited: 10 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 10
  2. Bijak V, Gucwa M, Lenkiewicz J, Murzyn K, Cooper DR, Minor W (2023)
    Continuous Validation Across Macromolecular Structure Determination Process
    J Cryst Soc Japan 65(1): 10-16. [DOI:10.5940/jcrsj.65.10] [Pub Med ID: 37416056]
    Google Scholar Times Cited: 1
  3. Bijak V, Szczygiel M, Lenkiewicz J, Gucwa M, Cooper DR, Murzyn K, Minor W (2023)
    The current role and evolution of X-ray crystallography in drug discovery and development.
    Expert Opin Drug Discov 18(11): 1221-1230. [DOI:10.1080/17460441.2023.2246881] [Pub Med ID: 37592849] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC10620067]
    WoS Times Cited: 13 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 18
  4. Gucwa M, Lenkiewicz J, Zheng H, Cymborowski M, Cooper DR, Murzyn K, Minor W (2023)
    CMM-An enhanced platform for interactive validation of metal binding sites.
    Protein Sci 32(1): e4525. [DOI:10.1002/pro.4525] [Pub Med ID: 36464767] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC9794025]
    WoS Times Cited: 42 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 55
  5. Minor W, Cymborowski M, Borek D, Cooper DR, Chruszcz M, Otwinowski Z (2021)
    Optimal structure determination from sub-optimal diffraction data.
    Protein Sci 31(1): 259-268. [DOI:10.1002/pro.4235] [Pub Med ID: 34783106] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC8740829]
    WoS Times Cited: 7 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 9
  6. Zhang H, Chen P, Ma H, Woińska M, Liu D, Cooper DR, Peng G, Peng Y, Deng L, Minor W, Zheng H (2021)
    virusMED: an atlas of hotspots of viral proteins.
    IUCrJ 8(Pt 6): 931-42. [DOI:10.1107/S2052252521009076] [Pub Med ID: 34614039] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC8479994]
    WoS Times Cited: 5 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 9
  7. Grabowski M, Macnar JM, Cymborowski M, Cooper DR, Shabalin IG, Gilski M, Brzezinski D, Kowiel M, Dauter Z, Rupp B, Wlodawer A, Jaskolski M, Minor W (2021)
    Rapid response to emerging biomedical challenges and threats.
    IUCrJ 8(Pt 3): 395-407. [DOI:10.1107/S2052252521003018] [Pub Med ID: 33953926] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC8086160]
    WoS Times Cited: 7 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 10
  8. Grabowski M, Cooper DR, Brzezinski D, Macnar JM, Shabalin IG, Cymborowski M, Otwinowski Z, Minor W (2021)
    Synchrotron Radiation as a Tool for Macromolecular X-Ray Crystallography: a XXI Century Perspective.
    Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res B 489(): 30-40. [DOI:10.1016/j.nimb.2020.12.016] [Pub Med ID: 33603257] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC7886262]
    WoS Times Cited: 7 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 21
  9. Brzezinski D, Kowiel M, Cooper DR, Cymborowski M, Grabowski M, Wlodawer A, Dauter Z, Shabalin IG, Gilski M, Rupp B, Jaskolski M, Minor W (2020)
    Covid-19.bioreproducibility.org: A web resource for SARS-CoV-2-related structural models.
    Protein Sci 30(1): 115-124. [DOI:10.1002/pro.3959] [Pub Med ID: 32981130] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC7537053]
    WoS Times Cited: 17 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 19
  10. Cooper DR, Grabowski M, Zimmerman MD, Porebski PJ, Shabalin IG, Woinska M, Domagalski MJ, Zheng H, Sroka P, Cymborowski M, Czub MP, Niedzialkowska E, Venkataramany BS, Osinski T, Fratczak Z, Bajor J, Gonera J, MacLean E, Wojciechowska K, Konina K, Wajerowicz W, Chruszcz M, Minor W (2020)
    State-of-the-Art Data Management: Improving the Reproducibility, Consistency, and Traceability of Structural Biology and in Vitro Biochemical Experiments.
    Methods Mol Biol 2199(): 209-236. [DOI:10.1007/978-1-0716-0892-0_13] [Pub Med ID: 33125653] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC8019398]
    WoS Times Cited: 4 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 8
  11. Shabalin IG, Czub MP, Majorek KA, Brzezinski D, Grabowski M, Cooper DR, Panasiuk M, Chruszcz M, Minor W (2020)
    Molecular determinants of vascular transport of dexamethasone in COVID-19 therapy.
    IUCrJ 7(Pt 6): 1048-1058. [DOI:10.1107/S2052252520012944] [Pub Med ID: 33063792] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC7553145]
    WoS Times Cited: 13 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 15
  12. Venkataramany BS, Cooper DR, Shabalin IG, Minor W, Czub MP, Handing KB (2020)
    Albumin-Based Transport of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs in Mammalian Blood Plasma.
    J Med Chem 63(13): 6847-6862. [DOI:10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c00225] [Pub Med ID: 32469516] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC7902233]
    WoS Times Cited: 46 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 59
  13. Bonarek P, Loch JI, Tworzydło M, Cooper DR, Milto K, Wróbel P, Kurpiewska K, Lewiński K (2020)
    Structure-based design approach to rational site-directed mutagenesis of β-lactoglobulin.
    J Struct Biol 210(2): 107493. [DOI:10.1016/j.jsb.2020.107493] [Pub Med ID: 32169624]
    WoS Times Cited: 10
  14. Shabalin IG, Gritsunov A, Hou J, Miks CD, Cooper DR, Minor W, Christendat D, Sławek J (2019)
    Structural and biochemical analysis of Bacillus anthracis prephenate dehydrogenase reveals an unusual mode of inhibition by tyrosine via the ACT domain.
    FEBS J 287(11): 2235-2255. [DOI:10.1111/febs.15150] [Pub Med ID: 31750992] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC7239764]
    WoS Times Cited: 3 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 5
  15. Grabowski M, Cymborowski M, Porebski PJ, Osinski T, Shabalin IG, Minor W, Cooper DR (2019)
    The Integrated Resource for Reproducibility in Macromolecular Crystallography: Experiences of the first four years.
    Struct Dyn 6(6): 064301. [DOI:10.1063/1.5128672] [Pub Med ID: 31768399] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC6874509]
    WoS Times Cited: 25 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 29
  16. Lipowska J, Miks CD, Kwon K, Shuvalova L, Zheng H, Lewiński K, Cooper DR, Shabalin IG, Minor W (2019)
    Pyrimidine biosynthesis in pathogens - Structures and analysis of dihydroorotases from Yersinia pestis and Vibrio cholerae.
    Int J Biol Macromol 136(): 1176-1187. [DOI:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.05.149] [Pub Med ID: 31207330] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC6686667]
    WoS Times Cited: 21 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 26
  17. Grabowski M, Shabalin I, Domagalski MJ, Zheng H, Cooper D, Bourne PE, Minor W, Porebski PJ, Venkataramany BS (2019)
    Data Sharing in Structural Biology: Advances and Challenges
    in Data Sharing: Recent Progress and Remaining Challenges - Computer Science, Technology and Applications, Nova Science Publishers, New York (): 29-68.
    Google Scholar Times Cited: 34
  18. Hou J, Zheng H, Tzou WS, Cooper DR, Chruszcz M, Chordia MD, Kwon K, Grabowski M, Minor W (2018)
    Differences in substrate specificity of V. cholerae FabH enzymes suggest new approaches for the development of novel antibiotics and biofuels.
    FEBS J 285(15): 2900-2921. [DOI:10.1111/febs.14588] [Pub Med ID: 29917313] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC6105497]
    WoS Times Cited: 3 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 2
  19. Porebski PJ, Sroka P, Zheng H, Cooper DR, Minor W (2018)
    Molstack-Interactive visualization tool for presentation, interpretation, and validation of macromolecules and electron density maps.
    Protein Sci 27(1): 86-94. [DOI:10.1002/pro.3272] [Pub Med ID: 28815771] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC5734276]
    WoS Times Cited: 26 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 30
  20. Zheng H, Cooper DR, Porebski PJ, Shabalin IG, Handing KB, Minor W (2017)
    CheckMyMetal: a macromolecular metal-binding validation tool.
    Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 73(Pt 3): 223-233. [DOI:10.1107/S2059798317001061] [Pub Med ID: 28291757] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC5349434]
    WoS Times Cited: 243 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 327
  21. Zheng H, Porebski PJ, Grabowski M, Cooper DR, Minor W (2017)
    Databases, Repositories, and Other Data Resources in Structural Biology.
    Methods Mol Biol 1607(): 643-665. [DOI:10.1007/978-1-4939-7000-1_27] [Pub Med ID: 28573593] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC5587190]
    WoS Times Cited: 6 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 13
  22. Grabowski M, Langner KM, Cymborowski M, Porebski PJ, Sroka P, Zheng H, Cooper DR, Zimmerman MD, Elsliger MA, Burley SK, Minor W (2016)
    A public database of macromolecular diffraction experiments.
    Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 72(Pt 11): 1181-1193. [DOI:10.1107/S2059798316014716] [Pub Med ID: 27841751] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC5108346]
    WoS Times Cited: 97 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 0
  23. Zheng H, Chordia MD, Cooper DR, Chruszcz M, Minor W, Müller P, Sheldrick GM (2014)
    Validation of metal-binding sites in macromolecular structures with the CheckMyMetal web server.
    Nat Protoc 9(1): 156-70. [DOI:10.1038/nprot.2013.172] [Pub Med ID: 24356774] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC4410975]
    WoS Times Cited: 241 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 319
  24. Knapik AA, Petkowski JJ, Cymborowski MT, Cooper DR, Chruszcz M, Minor W, Krajewska WM, Otwinowski Z (2012)
    Structure of Escherichia coli RutC, a member of the YjgF family and putative aminoacrylate peracid reductase of the rut operon.
    Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 68(Pt 11): 1294-9. [DOI:10.1107/S1744309112041796] [Pub Med ID: 23143235] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC3515367]
    WoS Times Cited: 16 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 22
  25. Knapik AA, Petkowski JJ, Cymborowski MT, Cooper DR, Majorek KA, Chruszcz M, Minor W, Otwinowski Z, Krajewska WM (2012)
    A multi-faceted analysis of RutD reveals a novel family of α/β hydrolases.
    Proteins 80(10): 2359-68. [DOI:10.1002/prot.24122] [Pub Med ID: 22641504] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC3459670]
    WoS Times Cited: 8 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 10
  26. Shabalin IG, Porebski PJ, Cooper DR, Grabowski M, Chruszcz M, Minor W, Savchenko A, Grimshaw S, Onopriyenko O (2012)
    Structure of anabolic ornithine carbamoyltransferase from Campylobacter jejuni at 2.7 Å resolution.
    Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 68(Pt 9): 1018-24. [DOI:10.1107/S1744309112031259] [Pub Med ID: 22949186] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC3433189]
    WoS Times Cited: 5 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 5
  27. Hou J, Wojciechowska K, Zheng H, Chruszcz M, Cooper DR, Cymborowski M, Luo H, Minor W, Savchenko A, Gordon E, Skarina T (2012)
    Structure of a short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase from Bacillus anthracis.
    Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 68(Pt 6): 632-7. [DOI:10.1107/S1744309112017939] [Pub Med ID: 22684058] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC3370898]
    WoS Times Cited: 5 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 7
  28. Cooper DR, Porebski PJ, Chruszcz M, Minor W (2011)
    X-ray crystallography: Assessment and validation of protein-small molecule complexes for drug discovery.
    Expert Opin Drug Discov 6(8): 771-782. [DOI:10.1517/17460441.2011.585154] [Pub Med ID: 21779303] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC3138648]
    WoS Times Cited: 50 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 79
  29. Janda I, Devedjiev Y, Cooper D, Chruszcz M, Derewenda U, Gabrys A, Minor W, Joachimiak A, Derewenda ZS (2004)
    Harvesting the high-hanging fruit: the structure of the YdeN gene product from Bacillus subtilis at 1.8 angstroms resolution.
    Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 60(Pt 6): 1101-7. [DOI:10.1107/S0907444904007188] [Pub Med ID: 15159570] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC2792027]
    WoS Times Cited: 21 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 27