• Co-author of 29 publications with the Minor Lab [show]
    • 1,833 citations in Web of Science
    • 2,537 citations in Google Scholar
  • Co-author of 74 structures with the Minor Lab [show]
  • Relative Citation Ratio (RCR): 65.02

  • Training Period: 2008-09, MSc <br/> 2009-13, PhD <br/> 2017-present Postdoc
  • Prior Institution: Jagiellonian University,Poland
  • Prior Degree: MSc, PhD (2008)
  • Project Title: Improvement of model building and refinement of macromolecular crystal structures
  • Current Position: PV-Biocomplexity Initiative, Research Scientist, UVA

Publications with the Minor Lab

  1. Czyzewski A, Krawiec F, Brzezinski D, Porebski PJ, Minor W (2021)
    Detecting anomalies in X-ray diffraction images using convolutional neural networks.
    Expert Syst Appl 174(): 114740. [DOI:10.1016/j.eswa.2021.114740] [Pub Med ID: 34366575] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC8341115]
    WoS Times Cited: 8 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 11
  2. Brzezinski D, Porebski PJ, Kowiel M, Macnar JM, Minor W (2021)
    Recognizing and validating ligands with CheckMyBlob.
    Nucleic Acids Res 49(W1): W86-W92. [DOI:10.1093/nar/gkab296] [Pub Med ID: 33905501] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC8262754]
    WoS Times Cited: 7 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 11
  3. Mrugała B, Miłaczewska A, Porebski PJ, Niedzialkowska E, Guzik M, Minor W, Borowski T (2021)
    A study on the structure, mechanism, and biochemistry of kanamycin B dioxygenase (KanJ)-an enzyme with a broad range of substrates.
    FEBS J 288(4): 1366-1386. [DOI:10.1111/febs.15462] [Pub Med ID: 32592631] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC8034593]
    WoS Times Cited: 8 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 11
  4. Cooper DR, Grabowski M, Zimmerman MD, Porebski PJ, Shabalin IG, Woinska M, Domagalski MJ, Zheng H, Sroka P, Cymborowski M, Czub MP, Niedzialkowska E, Venkataramany BS, Osinski T, Fratczak Z, Bajor J, Gonera J, MacLean E, Wojciechowska K, Konina K, Wajerowicz W, Chruszcz M, Minor W (2020)
    State-of-the-Art Data Management: Improving the Reproducibility, Consistency, and Traceability of Structural Biology and in Vitro Biochemical Experiments.
    Methods Mol Biol 2199(): 209-236. [DOI:10.1007/978-1-0716-0892-0_13] [Pub Med ID: 33125653] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC8019398]
    WoS Times Cited: 4 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 8
  5. Kluza A, Wojdyla Z, Mrugala B, Kurpiewska K, Porebski PJ, Niedzialkowska E, Minor W, Weiss MS, Borowski T (2020)
    Regioselectivity of hyoscyamine 6β-hydroxylase-catalysed hydroxylation as revealed by high-resolution structural information and QM/MM calculations.
    Dalton Trans 49(14): 4454-4469. [DOI:10.1039/d0dt00302f] [Pub Med ID: 32182320]
    WoS Times Cited: 19 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 21
  6. Porebski PJ, Bokota G, Venkataramany BS, Minor W (2020)
    Molstack: A platform for interactive presentations of electron density and cryo-EM maps and their interpretations.
    Protein Sci 29(1): 120-127. [DOI:10.1002/pro.3747] [Pub Med ID: 31605409] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC6933852]
    WoS Times Cited: 7 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 7
  7. Grabowski M, Cymborowski M, Porebski PJ, Osinski T, Shabalin IG, Minor W, Cooper DR (2019)
    The Integrated Resource for Reproducibility in Macromolecular Crystallography: Experiences of the first four years.
    Struct Dyn 6(6): 064301. [DOI:10.1063/1.5128672] [Pub Med ID: 31768399] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC6874509]
    WoS Times Cited: 25 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 29
  8. Czub MP, Venkataramany BS, Majorek KA, Handing KB, Porebski PJ, Beeram SR, Suh K, Woolfork AG, Hage DS, Shabalin IG, Minor W (2019)
    Testosterone meets albumin - the molecular mechanism of sex hormone transport by serum albumins.
    Chem Sci 10(6): 1607-1618. [DOI:10.1039/c8sc04397c] [Pub Med ID: 30842823] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC6371759]
    WoS Times Cited: 41 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 58
  9. Kowiel M, Brzezinski D, Porebski PJ, Shabalin IG, Jaskolski M, Minor W (2019)
    Automatic recognition of ligands in electron density by machine learning.
    Bioinformatics 35(3): 452-461. [DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty626] [Pub Med ID: 30016407] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC6361236]
    WoS Times Cited: 26 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 35
  10. Grabowski M, Shabalin I, Domagalski MJ, Zheng H, Cooper D, Bourne PE, Minor W, Porebski PJ, Venkataramany BS (2019)
    Data Sharing in Structural Biology: Advances and Challenges
    in Data Sharing: Recent Progress and Remaining Challenges - Computer Science, Technology and Applications, Nova Science Publishers, New York (): 29-68.
    Google Scholar Times Cited: 34
  11. Czub MP, Zhang B, Chiarelli MP, Majorek KA, Joe L, Porebski PJ, Revilla A, Wu W, Becker DP, Minor W, Kuhn ML (2018)
    A Gcn5-Related N-Acetyltransferase (GNAT) Capable of Acetylating Polymyxin B and Colistin Antibiotics in Vitro.
    Biochemistry 57(51): 7011-7020. [DOI:10.1021/acs.biochem.8b00946] [Pub Med ID: 30499668] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC6474815]
    WoS Times Cited: 12 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 20
  12. Wlodawer A, Dauter Z, Porebski PJ, Minor W, Stanfield R, Jaskolski M, Pozharski E, Weichenberger CX, Rupp B (2018)
    Detect, correct, retract: How to manage incorrect structural models.
    FEBS J 285(3): 444-466. [DOI:10.1111/febs.14320] [Pub Med ID: 29113027] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC5799025]
    WoS Times Cited: 53 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 62
  13. Porebski PJ, Sroka P, Zheng H, Cooper DR, Minor W (2018)
    Molstack-Interactive visualization tool for presentation, interpretation, and validation of macromolecules and electron density maps.
    Protein Sci 27(1): 86-94. [DOI:10.1002/pro.3272] [Pub Med ID: 28815771] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC5734276]
    WoS Times Cited: 26 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 30
  14. Shabalin IG, Porebski PJ, Minor W (2018)
    Refining the macromolecular model - achieving the best agreement with the data from X-ray diffraction experiment.
    Crystallogr Rev 24(4): 236-262. [DOI:10.1080/0889311X.2018.1521805] [Pub Med ID: 30416256] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC6219471]
    WoS Times Cited: 35 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 54
  15. Zheng H, Cooper DR, Porebski PJ, Shabalin IG, Handing KB, Minor W (2017)
    CheckMyMetal: a macromolecular metal-binding validation tool.
    Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 73(Pt 3): 223-233. [DOI:10.1107/S2059798317001061] [Pub Med ID: 28291757] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC5349434]
    WoS Times Cited: 242 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 326
  16. Zheng H, Porebski PJ, Grabowski M, Cooper DR, Minor W (2017)
    Databases, Repositories, and Other Data Resources in Structural Biology.
    Methods Mol Biol 1607(): 643-665. [DOI:10.1007/978-1-4939-7000-1_27] [Pub Med ID: 28573593] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC5587190]
    WoS Times Cited: 6 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 13
  17. Grabowski M, Langner KM, Cymborowski M, Porebski PJ, Sroka P, Zheng H, Cooper DR, Zimmerman MD, Elsliger MA, Burley SK, Minor W (2016)
    A public database of macromolecular diffraction experiments.
    Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 72(Pt 11): 1181-1193. [DOI:10.1107/S2059798316014716] [Pub Med ID: 27841751] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC5108346]
    WoS Times Cited: 96 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 0
  18. Gasiorowska O, Handing KB, Majorek KA, Porebski PJ, Shabalin IG, Zasadzinska E, Cymborowski M, Minor W, Niedzialkowska E (2016)
    Protein purification and crystallization artifacts: The tale usually not told.
    Protein Sci 25(3): 720-33. [DOI:10.1002/pro.2861] [Pub Med ID: 26660914] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC4815408]
    WoS Times Cited: 40 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 69
  19. Porebski PJ, Cymborowski M, Minor W, Pasenkiewicz-Gierula M (2016)
    Fitmunk: improving protein structures by accurate, automatic modeling of side-chain conformations.
    Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 72(Pt 2): 266-80. [DOI:10.1107/S2059798315024730] [Pub Med ID: 26894674] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC4756610]
    WoS Times Cited: 26 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 28
  20. Mikolajczak K, Majorek KA, Porebski PJ, Minor W, Mank N, Chruszcz M (2013)
    Serum albumins-unusual allergens.
    Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1830(12): 5375-81. [DOI:10.1016/j.bbagen.2013.06.016] [Pub Med ID: 23811341] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC4419372]
    WoS Times Cited: 94 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 142
  21. Majorek KA, Porebski PJ, Dayal A, Zimmerman MD, Jablonska K, Chruszcz M, Minor W, Stewart AJ (2012)
    Structural and immunologic characterization of bovine, horse, and rabbit serum albumins.
    Mol. Immunol. 52(3-4): 174-82. [DOI:10.1016/j.molimm.2012.05.011] [Pub Med ID: 22677715] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC3401331]
    WoS Times Cited: 774 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 1,128
  22. Shabalin IG, Porebski PJ, Cooper DR, Grabowski M, Chruszcz M, Minor W, Savchenko A, Grimshaw S, Onopriyenko O (2012)
    Structure of anabolic ornithine carbamoyltransferase from Campylobacter jejuni at 2.7 Å resolution.
    Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 68(Pt 9): 1018-24. [DOI:10.1107/S1744309112031259] [Pub Med ID: 22949186] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC3433189]
    WoS Times Cited: 5 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 5
  23. Chruszcz M, Osinski T, Chapman MD, Solberg R, Demas M, Porebski PJ, Majorek KA, Pomés A, Minor W (2012)
    Alternaria alternata allergen Alt a 1: a unique β-barrel protein dimer found exclusively in fungi.
    J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 130(1): 241-7.e9. [DOI:10.1016/j.jaci.2012.03.047] [Pub Med ID: 22664167] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC3391610]
    WoS Times Cited: 79 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 129
  24. Niedzialkowska E, Porebski PJ, Minor W, Stukenberg PT, Wang F, Higgins JM (2012)
    Molecular basis for phosphospecific recognition of histone H3 tails by Survivin paralogues at inner centromeres.
    Mol Biol Cell 23(8): 1457-66. [DOI:10.1091/mbc.E11-11-0904] [Pub Med ID: 22357620] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC3327328]
    WoS Times Cited: 50 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 78
  25. Chruszcz M, Pomés A, Osinski T, Porebski PJ, Majorek KA, Heymann PW, Platts-Mills TA, Minor W, Vailes LD, Glesner J, Chapman MD (2012)
    Molecular determinants for antibody binding on group 1 house dust mite allergens.
    J. Biol. Chem. 287(10): 7388-98. [DOI:10.1074/jbc.M111.311159] [Pub Med ID: 22210776] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC3293536]
    WoS Times Cited: 76 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 102
  26. Porebski PJ, Klimecka M, Chruszcz M, Cymborowski M, Minor W, Savchenko A, Murzyn K, Edwards A, Nicholls RA, Murshudov GN, Cuff ME, Xu X (2012)
    Structural characterization of Helicobacter pylori dethiobiotin synthetase reveals differences between family members.
    FEBS J 279(6): 1093-105. [DOI:10.1111/j.1742-4658.2012.08506.x] [Pub Med ID: 22284390] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC3392494]
    WoS Times Cited: 12 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 19
  27. Zheng H, Tkaczuk KL, Dworzynski P, Chruszcz M, Porebski PJ, Wawrzak Z, Minor W, Savchenko A, Grimshaw S, Onopriyenko O, Filippova EV, Kudritska M, Anderson WF (2012)
    Crystal structures of putative phosphoglycerate kinases from B. anthracis and C. jejuni.
    J. Struct. Funct. Genomics 13(1): 15-26. [DOI:10.1007/s10969-012-9131-9] [Pub Med ID: 22403005] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC4485498]
    Google Scholar Times Cited: 9
  28. Cooper DR, Porebski PJ, Chruszcz M, Minor W (2011)
    X-ray crystallography: Assessment and validation of protein-small molecule complexes for drug discovery.
    Expert Opin Drug Discov 6(8): 771-782. [DOI:10.1517/17460441.2011.585154] [Pub Med ID: 21779303] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC3138648]
    WoS Times Cited: 50 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 80
  29. Klimecka MM, Chruszcz M, Font J, Shumilin I, Onopryienko O, Porebski PJ, Cymborowski M, Zimmerman MD, Glomski IJ, Minor W, Savchenko A, Hasseman J, Edwards A, Lebioda L, Skarina T (2011)
    Structural analysis of a putative aminoglycoside N-acetyltransferase from Bacillus anthracis.
    J. Mol. Biol. 410(3): 411-23. [DOI:10.1016/j.jmb.2011.04.076] [Pub Med ID: 21601576] [Pub Med Central ID: PMC3131501]
    WoS Times Cited: 12 ; Google Scholar Times Cited: 18